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Below you can find the current offerings and their prices.

The Way of the Gong is unlike any other gong book out there. It is a collection of essays covering the subjects of gongs, frequencies, sound healing, time, technique, listening, tea, acoustics, and many other ideas that are a part of what we commonly call sound work.
What people are saying about this book:
“I am enjoying the book very much. As someone who finds the esoterica and unsubstantiated woo woo around sound very unpalatable, it’s a true delight to read your words in print and realise that maybe I do belong here in this world after all.”
“I love how the author, Michael Bettine, debunks woo-woo every step of the way and advocates for a beginner’s mind.”
“Michael~ all of my sound friends are loving your book!!”
“I’m hugely enjoying your book. I’m reading, studying and practicing every day. It’s full of wisdom, so thank you.”
“Purchase these books! Seriously, Michael is one of the best teachers and writers around!”
“2 fantastic books with great depth and intellect. I have really enjoyed them and read them as soon as they arrived. Essential reading for all gong players.”
“I read The Way of The Gong in two days. I couldn’t put it down. Besides the practical lessons, lots of wisdom in there. I’ve added it to my recommended books for sound students. Thank you, Michael, for writing it!”
“I received my copy last week and finished it last night, excellently filled with story, experience and education I can use to improve my practice, practice, practice. Of course a reread is in order!”
The Way of the Gong- PAPERBACK Book – $25.00

Art As A Spiritual Practice zine looks at how we can connect with our art on a deeper level. It is a personal guide to finding the spiritual aspect of what you do and create.
This is great companion to ‘The Way of the Gong.’
Art As A Spiritual Practice – PAPERBACK Zine – $10.00

The Way of the Gong book & Art As A Spiritual Practice zine PAPERBACK Book combo – $35.00

The Way of the Gong Audio Book is nearly 6 hours long and was narrated by myself. The audio version contains some exclusive extra material: while narrating the book, I thought of some related stories that I ended up including in the narration.
The Way of the Gong – AUDIO BOOK – $20.00

The Way of the Gong Digital Book. The digital version contains some exclusive extra material in the form of photos and illustrations that are not in the print book. Note: You will get both PDF and an EPub file.
The Way of the Gong – DIGITAL BOOK – @20.00

Art As A Spiritual Practice Digital version is the same as the print version. Note: You will get both PDF and an EPub files.
Art As A Spiritual Practice – DIGITAL ZINE – $5.00

The Way of the Gong book & Art As A Spiritual Practice zine PDF & EPub – DIGITAL COMBO – $25.00
Coming soon: Digital books in French/en francais!

PRRCUSSION PROFILES – by Michael Bettine & Trevor Taylor.
I found a box of these books from 1988 in my storage. Each book comes with a CD/download by many of the artists interviewed. Some tracks are exclusive to this publication. Limited copies (6) will be available Spring 2025.